The ClockGen is a precision clock generator on a PMC IO module for sample rate generation, system clock synchronization, and clock distribution. The four output clocks, external clock and reference clock inputs are front panel SMA connectors. Each output can drive a 50 ohm load. For sample rate generation, the ClockGen PMC generates four clock outputs over a frequency range of 100 kHz to 270 MHz. The clocks can be locked to an reference clock input or an optional Statum III (200 ppb) stable reference. The clock outputs have a tuning resolution of < 0.1 Hz over the full output range.This extremely versatile module is easily adapted for use in virtually any type of system. Our PMC carrier adapters offer convection cooling and are available for a range of interfaces including Desktop PCI, Desktop PCI Express, and CompactPCI/PXI. This module is also readily installed onto Innovative Integration's Velocia DSP boards and within Andale Data Loggers. Download Data Sheets & Pricing Now!