McObject and Lynx Software Technologies Team Up for the First COTS Hard Real-Time DBMS for Mission- and Safety-Critical Systems.

October 21, 2021, Seattle and San Jose: McObject® and Lynx Software Technologies announce the release of eXtremeDB/rt, the first and only commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) real-time database management system for embedded systems that works together with the RTOS to ensure that tasks complete within their CPU budgets and transaction deadlines.
A crucial distinction of a hard real-time system is it must complete tasks within the assigned CPU budget. But a conventional database system’s transaction has no time constraint, so a database transaction could commit but cause the task to exceed the CPU budget and be interrupted, causing the real-time system and the database to be incoherent. eXtremeDB/rt maintains the external and internal consistency of data by introducing time-cognizant transaction managers to eliminate this “impedance mismatch.”
LynxOS-178 is a native POSIX, hard real-time partitioning operating system developed and certified to FAA DO-178B/C DAL A safety standards. It is the only COTS OS to be awarded a Reusable Software Component (RSC) certificate from the FAA for re-usability in DO-178B/C certification projects and has been deployed in millions of safety-critical applications worldwide, including multiple military and aerospace systems.
“We were delighted to work with McObject to bring eXtremeDB/rt to the LynxOS partner ecosystem. Our companies share the vision that real-time systems are becoming more sophisticated and consequently have to manage more complex data. eXtremeDB/rt fills a critical gap in the technology stack,” said Pavan Singh, vice president of product management, Lynx Software Technologies.
The combination of LynxOS and eXtremeDB/rt will be of interest to developers of real-time avionics, navigation, autonomous systems, railway systems as well as nuclear and energy systems
Andrei Gorine, CTO of McObject, says “Lynx has led the market for years in providing LynxOS as a powerful, safety-critical RTOS. The depth and breadth of applications in the market that require hard real-time capabilities is growing every day. It’s clear that using our technologies together will provide a competitive solution for developers of mission- and safety-critical systems.”
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About Lynx Software Technologies
Lynx Software Technologies is the premier Mission-Critical Edge company that enables safe, secure and high-performance environments for global customers in aerospace and automotive, enterprise and industrial markets. Since 1988, companies have trusted Lynx’s real-time operating system, virtualization and system certification experience, which uniquely enables mixed criticality systems to be harnessed and deliver deterministic real-time performance and intelligent decision-making. Together with a growing set of technology partners, Lynx is realizing a new class of Mission-Critical Edge systems that keep people and valuable data protected, at every moment. For more information, visit
Lynx Software Technologies is a trademark and LynxOS and LYNX MOSA.ic are registered trademarks of Lynx Software Technologies, Inc. Other brand or product names are registered trademarks or trademarks of the respective holders.
About McObject
Founded by database and real-time systems experts, McObject offers proven, ultra-fast data management technology, used across a wide range of industries and market segments. The company’s background and expertise in defense and aviation sectors mean that its technology is exceptionally reliable and robust.
McObject counts among its customers industry leaders such as BAE Systems, TradeStation, Siemens, Philips, EADS, JVC, ViaSat, F5 Networks, CA, Motorola and Northrup Grumman, along with NSE.IT, SunGard, Transaction Network Services, and Dalian Commodity Exchange.
eXtremeDB/rt is founded on the proven technology of the eXtremeDB in-memory embedded database management system. First released in 2001, eXtremeDB has been deployed in over 30 million systems by industry leaders around the globe because it offers low memory footprint, exceptional performance, intuitive API, as well as features to ensure database integrity.
eXtremeDB uses powerful, industry-standard tools and languages, such as SQL, Python, C/C++, Java and C#. For more information please visit