First Film Digitizer Designed Specifically for NDT/RT, Now Available in U.S.

Industry leading computer-aided design (CAD) and engineering firm CAD / CAM Services announced its exclusive partnership with Taiwan-based Microtek to release the NDT-2000 in North America. The NDT-2000 is a next-gen industrial film digitizer capable of offering high resolution images, while being specifically engineered for the non-destructive testing (NDT) radiography testing (RT) industry.
Until now, NDT professionals were forced to use film digitizers that were often problematic, including: slow scanning speed, overly-complicated software, and poor image quality. Not to mention these scanners typically failed to meet the ruggedness required for NDT work which is often done in the field. Additionally, DS class film digitizers are extremely expensive, yet tend to necessitate frequent service, calibration and maintenance requirements.
The NDT-2000 promises to revolutionize the industry by offering an affordable DA, DB, and DS quality digitizer. The scanner is easy to operate and greatly reduces the need for maintenance and calibration.
Incorporating 1200 DPI (dots per inch), 4.5D optical density and 16-bit grayscale, the NDT-2000 Digitizing System delivers some of the highest resolution on the market today. It also has specialized hardware technology that reduces the noise ratio, thus presenting image layers more vividly in order to meet the high requirements of the NDT/RT industry.
Microtek, founded in 1980, invented the world’s first desktop scanner in 1984, and has been a leading innovator in scanning and digitizing since. It has also served the NDT industry for over ten years.
CAD / CAM Services, well-known for its CAD Perfect® conversions, is one of the few CAD engineering firms in the world certified for high precision conversions by both the aerospace industry and the Department of Defense. With an expertise in 3D scanning, modeling, and conversions, the company has been supplying scanners to the engineering and industrial markets for over 25 years.
For more information contact CAD / CAM Services at (800) 938-SCAN, email [email protected] or visit