The RES3000 is a family of High Performance Fully Managed Layer 2/3+ Standalone Rugged 1GbE and 10GbE Switches. Switch configurations include twelve (12) 1000BaseT ports, twenty-four (24) 1000BaseT ports, and twenty-four(24) 1000BaseT ports plus four (4) 10GigE ports. The product family is highly configurable allowing additional configuration options to be accommodated. The RES3000 products support wire speed switching of L-2 and L-3 packets including IPv6 switching and routing.
The RES3000 rugged design allows it to meet the needs of a wide range of challenging MIL/AERO environments. For example the products are switch compatible with the new VICTORY initiative by the United States Army. The RES3000 high speed network capability via the 10GbE links makes it ideal for applications such as situational awareness, imaging, and sensor data. In addition, all models are size, weight and power (SWaP) optimized allowing them to be used in areas where space is at a premium and available power is restricted.