Engineers at WalkAbout Computers in West Palm Beach, Fla., needed laptop-mounted integrated data modems for Air Force aircraft.
They found a solution in PCIDM from Innovative Concepts in McLean, Va. The PCIDM is a portable data communications solution that consists of one Type 2 Extended PCMCIA card, paired with a full software development kit.
WalkAbout’s order to Innovative Concepts is for 300 PCIDM card kits. The PCIDM is integrated into WalkAbout’s MRT, an “ultra rugged” tablet computer.
The Air Force’s Tactical Air Control Party’s Modernization Program (TACP-M) will use the PCIDM to provide close air support, situational awareness, and command-and-control digital messaging to several aircraft platforms. The PCIDM provides a digital connection to the communication suites of the F-16, AV-8B, EA-6B, F/A-18, AH-64D, OH-58D, JSTARS, and a host of international platforms.
With a PCIDM and a computer, a user can send and receive VMF, AFAPD, TACFIRE, MTS, IDL, IP, and MIL-STD-188-184 SATCOM messages over virtually any tactical radio allowing combat elements to utilize their existing inventory of tactical radios to communicate with multiple platforms that support these message sets. For more information, see