BALTIMORE — There is still time to register for the Military & Aerospace Electronics Show East 2003, which will be April 23 and 24 at the Baltimore Convention Center in Baltimore. The show is co-located with the Homeland Security Solutions conference and exhibition.
The show is for engineers and engineering managers who need to keep pace with the latest developments and design issues in the military and aerospace electronics field.
For more information contact the registration staff by phone at 603-891-9267, by fax at 603-891-9490, by mail at Militeay and Aerospace Electronics East 2003 Show, 98 Spit Brook Rd., Nashua, N.H. 03062, by e-mail at [email protected], on the World Wide Web at
The show is co-located with the Homeland Security Solutions Conference and Exhibition, found at
Exhibitors at the Military & Aerospace Electronics Show East 2003 are:
Click here to see the Exhibitors List.