Elbit Systems of America in Fort Worth, Texas, will provide the U.S. Navy with helmet-mounted displays for pilots of MH-60R anti-submarine warfare helicopters and MH-60S multimission helicopters under terms of a $49.9 million contract. Officials of the U.S. Naval Surface Warfare Center Crane Division in Crane, Ind., are asking Elbit to provide 126 helmet display tracker systems (HDTS) for MH-60R and MH-60S helicopter pilots. The HDTS provides MH-60 situational awareness and targeting enhancements via pilot/copilot line-of-sight capability; continuously computed impact point for the 20-millimeter automatic gun helicopter armament subsystem; LAU-61C/A 2.75-inch unguided rockets; and LAU-61G/A precision guided digital rocket launcher.
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