FALLS CHURCH, Va., 27 Jan. 2009. CSC executives in Falls Church, Va., announced that training has begun using two new TH-1H Weapon System Trainers (WSTs) integrated into a fleet of high-fidelity flight simulators in Warrior Hall, located near Fort Rucker, Ala.
As part of the U.S. Army Flight School XXI program, CSC provides simulation training support services in response to new requirements associated with the transition of U.S. Air Force pilot training to the TH-1H helicopter.
The TH-1H features a glass cockpit and modernized avionics, and it will replace the Army UH-1H previously used for training.
"Having the knowledge and experience of the Army's Flight School XXI Program enabled our team to understand and be innovative in meeting the Air Force's unique training requirements," says Everette Roper, CSC's FS XXI program manager. "While the Air Force needs are somewhat different, the ultimate goal is to produce highly trained combat-ready pilots."
The WSTs' functionality and fidelity, visual system, training environment, and interoperability will enhance the overall training effectiveness of individual pilot and crew tasks. Integration of the second T1-H1 WST is scheduled for completion in March.
The simulation services program is executed and managed by the U.S. Army Program Executive Officer for Simulation, Training, and Instrumentation. CSC is the prime contractor.