BARRINGTON, N.J., 3 Jan. 2007. Edmund Optics in Barrington, N.J., is offering the Infiniprobe UV video microscopes with continuously focusable design and easy mounting to video cameras.
The video microscopes provide a magnification range from 0 to 8x with tight resolution. They are available in either straight (standard) or right-angle versions. They image in the UV wavelength range from 250 and 400 nanometers.
The Infiniprobe UV video microscopes can be used with two sizes of CCDs, the minimum field of view is 0.8 millimeters. With a 2/3-inch-format CCD, the minimum field of view is 1.1 millimeters. In either case, the minimum working distance is 20 millimeters.
The microscopes come with direct video C-Mount couplings. The microscope weighs 6.5 ounces, measures 34.8 millimeters at its largest diameter, and is 180.6 millimeters long.
Separately available accessories include two options that double the magnification. For more information contact Edmund Optics online at