NEW YORK, 21 June 2007. Praxis has selected GNAT Pro from AdaCore, provider of Ada tools and support services, for the U.K.'s next-generation Interim Future Area Control Tools Support (iFACTS) air traffic control system for its client NATS.
iFACTS will use a new program being designed and implemented from the start with the SPARK Ada language. The program will use the GNAT Pro native toolset on IBM AIX workstations as the development environment.
iFACTS will provide air traffic controllers with a set of advanced tools to increase capacity to meet the demand from the civil aviation industry. It will alert controllers to flights which are not following their flight plan and detect medium-term conflicts.
The iFACTS project will deliver a subset of these tools onto the system at the company's main en-route control centre at Swanwick in Hampshire. Currently undergoing trials, iFACTS will be installed at the London Area Control Centre, Swanwick. Following full development, training, and installation of a new workstation at Swanwick, iFACTS will be introduced into service.