LE BOURGET, France, 25 June 2007.L-3 Communications' Integrated Systems (L-3 IS) Group won a contract from the U.S. Navy to integrate new and existing technology into the next-generation NP-3C instrumented range support aircraft. The base contract is valued at more than $40 million while the options, if exercised, are valued at more than $35 million.
Under the Next-Generation Range Support Aircraft (NGRSA) contract, L-3 will migrate existing systems from three P-3A-based NP-3D aircraft to three newer P-3C airframes. The L-3 team, which includes L-3's Telemetry East and Ball Aerospace businesses, in addition to L-3 IS, will also integrate new communications and telemetry technology on the aircraft.
The Naval Air Warfare Center Weapons Division of the Naval Air Systems Command operates its fleet of NP-3D instrumented range aircraft primarily from Naval Air Station Point Mugu, Calif., at the Pacific Test Range, in a variety of operational and flight test scenarios.
As part of the NGRSA Program, the L-3 team will:
Migrate existing technology, including Command Destruct Systems and the Cast Glance stabilized photo-optical system, into the NP-3C aircraft;
Integrate Ball Aerospace's telemetry system into an Advanced Airborne Telemetry System;
Infuse expanded Intercommunication System, a UHF relay, and secure commercial satellite communications (INMARSAT) capabilities; and
Perform all necessary ground and flight testing.
The first aircraft is scheduled for delivery in 2010.