Army chooses Quantum3D ExpeditionDI for virtual squad training system at Schofield Barracks
SCHOFIELD BARRACKS, Hawaii, 13 July 2007. U.S. Army officials are choosing the ExpeditionDI simulation system from Quantum3D Inc. in San Jose, Calif., for synthetic environment training and mission rehearsal for infantry soldiers at Schofield Barracks, Hawaii.
The ExpeditionDI immersive, man-wearable, open-architecture COTS platform for dismounted infantry synthetic environment training and mission rehearsal has been fielded by the Project Manager for Combined Arms Tactical Trainer (PM CATT) within the U.S. Army Program Executive Office for Simulation, Training and Instrumentation (PEO STRI), as part of the Virtual Squad Training System (VSTS) deployed at the Battle Command Training Center (BCTC) at Schofield Barracks.
As part of VSTS, the ExpeditionDI systems employ wireless connectivity to provide untethered immersive individual and collective infantry training by providing scenario-based training for foot soldiers across a range of virtual training environments including mobile operations in urban terrain (MOUT).
VSTS is intended to complement live training by providing elements of the Contemporary Operating Environment that are too difficult or expensive to replicate at home station training.
The initial VSTS consists of five untethered soldier simulators that employ Quantum3D ExpeditionDI platforms along with four tethered soldier simulators, a Semi-Automated Force (SAF) workstation, a BattleMaster station which provides Instructor Operator Station (IOS), a Scenario Authoring station and an After Action Review (AAR) station. The tethered soldier simulators, BattleMaster and SAF stations all utilize Quantum3D Quicksilver PC-based Image Generators.
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