COLOGNE, Germany - All objects consist of atoms, which are made up of protons and neutrons in the atomic nucleus, surrounded by electrons. Once one enters this universe of the smallest things – the quantum world – it all gets very complicated very quickly. When researchers want to know exactly how atoms are connected and form solid objects, they come up against limits. No computer is powerful enough to calculate material properties precisely when many different atoms are involved. A researcher from the German Aerospace Center (Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt; DLR) has now investigated a way to do this via digital quantum simulation. This requires a quantum computer with initially only a few functioning computing and memory units, qubits, which could already answer questions about materials research – using quantum computing to ultimately even improve itself, the German Aerospace Center (DLR) writes. Continue reading original article.
The Military & Aerospace Electronics take:
28 March 2024 - "In contrast to problems that can be solved with increased computing power alone, the complexity of quantum systems exceeds the capabilities of all supercomputers available today, combined. This means that we are currently unable to find explanations for phenomena from the quantum world, including conductivity, magnetism and superconductivity," says Benedikt Fauseweh from the DLR Institute for Software Technology. "Quantum physics is fundamental to understanding our world, especially solid-state physics."
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Jamie Whitney, Senior Editor
Military + Aerospace Electronics