Researchers to brief industry this month on electromagnetic warfare sensors and algorithms for base defense
ARLINGTON, Va. – U.S. military researchers will brief industry this month on an initiative to defend military ground bases using electromagnetic warfare.
Officials of the U.S. Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) in Arlington, Va., will brief industry on the Dynamic Optimization for Defense of Ground bases using Electromagnetic warfare (DODGEball) project from 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. on 23 Feb. 2024 at the Booz Allen Hamilton facility at 8283 Greensboro Dr. in McLean, Va.
The objective of the DODGEball program is to optimize countermeasures for the defense of ground bases with feedback sensors. DODGEball will develop algorithms for long-duration engagements, sensor hardware to provide real-time battle damage indicator feedback, and detailed system performance models to be evaluated through computer simulations.
Related: The sensor- and signal-processing challenges of electronic warfare
Electromagnetic warfare technologies can involve laser weapons, high-power microwaves, electronics-killing electromagnetic pulse (EMP) weapons, and electrostatic discharge (ESD) generators, as well as sensors and algorithms.
The proposers' day is to promote teaming arrangements among researchers, tell potential bidders how to prepare their solicitations, and increase efficiency in proposal preparation and evaluation.
Companies interested should register online at no later than 16 Feb. 2024. The DODGEball website is at
Attendance will be limited to the first 120 registrants and no more than two representatives per organization, and briefings will be at the collateral SECRET classification level.
Attendees may present company overviews, discuss their technology expertise, and discuss teaming opportunities in four-slide, 10-minute scheduled presentations at the meeting. Email [email protected] to request time for a presentation.
Email questions or concerns to [email protected]. More information is online at