POWER ELECTRONICS: Rugged power converters in encapsulated modules from Pico Electronics
Pico Electronics Inc. in Pelham, N.Y., is introducing the rugged DC-1 series of power converters, which come in encapsulated modules for a ruggedized applications. The power electronics devices are designed to combine high input voltage capabilities of 120 to 370 volts DC and high power ratings of to 300 watts with regulated output voltages from 5 volts DC to 300 volts DC standard.
Pico's DC-1 high input voltage series of modules, in one brick package, enables users to input a DC voltage range of 120 to 370 volts DC and provide isolated output voltages from 5 volts DC to 300 volts DC, and output power to 300 watts. Sixteen models will provide an isolated, regulated DC output voltage at a fixed 100 kHz operating frequency.
FOR MORE INFORMATION contact Pico online at www.picoelectronics.com.