NEWARK, N.Y., 17 Sept. 2007. Ultralife Batteries Inc. in Newark, N.Y., won a $24 million contract to supply batteries to Raytheon Co. for SATCOM-on-the-move (SOTM) satellite communications systems for mine-resistant, ambush-protected (MRAP) armored vehicles.
The SOTM system consists of a combination of the McDowell MIK-21-75 Vehicle Kit and MRC-195 Communication Case. The MIK-21-75 is designed as a permanent installation on military vehicles, while the MRC-195 is a transportable case system to allow for the movement of the system to areas of interest.
The system, which is compatible with the PSC-5D radio and other radios, will enable the U.S. Military to conduct secure satellite communications from MRAP program vehicles.
For more information contact Ultralife online at