Power electronics rack system for high-power DC applications introduced by Keysight

Dec. 15, 2014
SANTA ROSA, Calif., 15 Dec. 2014. Keysight Technologies Inc. in Santa Rosa, Calif., is introducing the prewired N8900 series rack system for high-power DC applications.

SANTA ROSA, Calif., 15 Dec. 2014. Keysight Technologies Inc. in Santa Rosa, Calif., is introducing the prewired N8900 series rack system for high-power DC applications.

The N8900 power electronics rack can help reduce system complexity and save time for engineers designing and implementing high-power systems for challenging applications requiring as much power as 90 kilowatts.

When engineers design high-power racks, they face system design, debugging and safety challenges associated with high voltages, company officials say. The N8900 series rack system helps engineers overcome these challenges for voltages to 1500 volts and currents to 3060 amps.

The rack system allows users to install to six 15-kilowatt N8900 series autoranging DC power supplies in a parallel configuration that can deliver as much as 90 kilowatts and 3060 amps. Autoranging capability allows customers to get full-power output at a wide range of voltages.

The rack system's internal communications wiring allows users to treat the entire rack as one power supply. Engineers can communicate with the rack through one master power supply with communications to the individual power supplies being handled within the rack.

Users can communicate with the N8900 series rack system via LAN (LXI Core), USB or GPIB interfaces, all of which come standard with the system.

For more information contact Keysight online at www.keysight.com.

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