Army plans early industry involvement in battlefield command and control project to connect sensors
WASHINGTON – When it comes to the Army’s contribution to a new joint architecture for battlefield command and control, the service said it will collaborate with industry in the very early stages. C4ISRnet reports. Continue reading original article
The Military & Aerospace Electronics take:
30 July 2020 -- James McPherson, undersecretary of the Army, says the service will ask industry for its input into potential solutions for Joint All-Domain Command and Control (JADC2) prior to writing and publishing official requirements.
JADC2 will try to connect sensors across the joint force to shooters making systems interoperable to share data, which officials say they believe will provide overmatch against sophisticated adversaries in a contested fight.
McPherson says the top echelons of Army leadership have met to hammer out some of those characteristics that involve networking sensors. He also says the Army is brainstorming how to include coalition partners in this new architecture.
John Keller, chief editor
Military & Aerospace Electronics