North Atlantic Industries (NAI) in Bohemia, N.Y., is offering an instrument-grade, high-density, DSP-based, VXI card that incorporates as many as four synchro/resolver instrument measurement channels, as many as four synchro/resolver instrument stimulus channels, or as many as eight synchro/resolver converter-grade stimulus channels, and as many as six programmable reference supplies. Functions are independent, user programmable for synchro or resolver, and can be formatted for single- or multi-speed applications. The unit has an internal wrap-around self-test function that does not require external hardware or software. Synchro/resolver measurement and instrument stimulus accuracy is to within 0.005 degrees. Converter grade stimulus accuracy is 0.015 degrees loaded and 0.008 degrees no load. Instrument stimulus and reference outputs provide 2.2 VA of drive and are programmable from 47 Hz to 4,000 Hz. For more information contact NAI online at