Agilent and industry collaborate to solve various test and measurement challenges, deliver operational efficiency
SEATTLE, 4 June 2013. Agilent experts in aerospace and defense and wireless communications, including test components and systems, microwave and communications, and mobile broadband gathered at IMS 2013 in Seattle to connect to industry and work on solutions to challenges, technical and business issues.
The focus in aerospace and defense is on operational efficiency. It used to be performance at any cost, especially for the first years after 9/11, explains Greg Peters, vice president and general manager, component test division at Agilent. Now it’s about gaining efficiency while meeting budget goals, he says, and there is some uncertainty due to the economy and regulatory changes.
Opportunity exists in translating operations and support budget to solutions acquisition and integration into infrastructure. That drive has always been there in aerospace and defense, but not with the force that exists today, Peters affirms.
Agilent executives are seeing increased spending in fixed-wing aircraft, unmanned aircraft systems (UAS), cyber, intel, and space; decreased spending is evident in tactical wheel vehicles, tactical missiles, and munitions. Internationally, says Peters, Russia is experiencing growth in aerospace and defense driven by the export of military hardware and funded by oil/gas exports. China is in year three of a five-year plan, and the new government is looking at spending more on aerospace and defense, including space exploration. Europe is challenged by budget cuts and consolidation.
Agilent is launching solutions targeted at delivering operational efficiency via faster measurements, better performance, and more functionality to aerospace and defense firms, including prime contractors.
Courtney Howard | Executive Editor
Courtney, as executive editor, enjoys writing about all things electronics and avionics in PennWell’s burgeoning Aerospace and Defense Group, which encompasses Military & Aerospace Electronics, Avionics Intelligence, the Avionics Europe conference, and much more. She’s also a self-proclaimed social-media maven, mil-aero nerd, and avid avionics geek. Connect with Courtney at [email protected], @coho on Twitter, and on LinkedIn.