Gallium nitride (GaN)-based RF power amplifier for electronic warfare (EW) introduced by Comtech PST
March 13, 2019
MELVILLE, N.Y. – Comtech PST Corp. in Melville, N.Y., is introducing the model BME2969-300 gallium nitride (GaN)-based high-power-density solid-state RF power amplifier modules for fixed-ground and ground-mobile, maritime, and aircraft communications, electronic warfare (EW), and radar transmitter systems where space, cooling, and power are limited.
These RF power amplifiers offer ultra wideband operation; high efficiency over the entire bandwidth; extreme temperature range usage; internal DC-DC converters; use as a building block for rack-mounted; and maintains output power with real-world load conditions.
The gallium nitride (GaN) power electronics device offers a frequency range of 2000 to 6000 MHz; saturated power output of 300 Watts; summary fault indication of 3.3 volts RS-422; DC input of 18 to 32 volts DC; DC Power at 28 volts of 1800 Watts typical; and efficiency (DC to RF) of 18 percent typical.
The RF power amplifier operates in temperatures from -450 to 70 degrees Celsius at the baseplate; in altitudes to 50,000 feet, in condensing humidity of 100 percent; and resists the effects of shock and vibration per MIL-STD-810F. The unit measures 15.25 by 7 by 2.67 inches and weighs 17 pounds.
For more information contact Comtech PST online at
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