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Specifying a Capacitor for Space-Based Applications

Nov. 14, 2022
This whitepaper details the history of capacitors and specifications capacitors need to be compatible for use on space-based applications.

As the cost to launch objects into space continues to fall, space has become far more accessible. No longer are the days where large government agencies or defense contractors were the only entities who had the means to put something into orbit. Today, small countries’ space agencies, universities, researchers, and smaller companies now have access to space. In addition, larger companies and space agencies can easily afford to launch arrays of thousands of smaller “cube satellites” into orbit.

As the new variety of space-based applications continue to grow, the way capacitors are designed has changed. Keeping low cost and high reliability in mind, there are many capacitor manufactures whom have plenty of experience and heritage in designing the right capacitor for any unique space based application. 

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