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What Should You Know About the Upcoming RTCA DO-160 Update?

Dec. 7, 2023
If all goes according to plan, a new revision to RTCA DO-160H will be published in 2024. There’s no better time to prepare for the changes the update will bring. Get an in-depth overview of what to expect from this roundtable discussion.

RTCA DO-160 Revision H is currently in committee, aiming for a publish date in 2024. What will this revision bring? What do you need to know about updates to test equipment, methodologies, and impact on manufacturers?

We put together a panel of MIL-AERO EMC Compliance Experts and RTCA Committee Members to discuss the key changes to expect, the impact of 5G and increased passenger device use, and much more.

Download the full transcript of this informative roundtable discussion now.


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