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Next-Gen Solutions: Overcoming Challenges in 5G mmWave Semiconductor Production

March 24, 2025
Discover the key to high-speed, multi-port mmWave semiconductor device test in an innovative, open-platform solution that maximizes device throughput, leverages advanced modular test instruments, and reduces setup and implementation time.

Transitioning 5G mmWave semiconductor device test from the laboratory to the production floor poses significant challenges that encompass most areas of the test system including instrumentation, cabling, interconnects, load boards and calibration. Achieving high throughput, without sacrificing measurement performance, requires a scalable multi-port instrumentation architecture capable of performing parallel test. Discover how MTS’ 5G mmWave Semiconductor Test System delivers production proven performance, including the fastest test times in the industry, and scalable multi-port operation to address these challenging test needs.

Download now to learn more.

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