Wavelength Electronics Inc

Bozeman, MT 59715


About Wavelength Electronics Inc


51 Evergreen Dr
Bozeman, MT 59715
United States

More Info on Wavelength Electronics Inc

Wavelength Electronics partners with high-tech researchers and manufacturers to successfully complete strategic projects through fully featured controllers, engineering expertise, and responsive tech support.  Ultra-stable temperature controllers, high-precision quantum cascade and diode laser drivers. 


Software-driven instrumentation

LDTC LAB Series Laser Diode & Temperature Control Instrument

The LDTC LAB Series instruments combine best-in-class low noise, high-end digital laser diode control with an IntelliTune® smart temperature controller. If you need stable wavelength...
Laser components

WLD33ND-3A Laser Diode Driver

The WLD33ND-3A is a general purpose laser diode driver that maintains precision laser diode current or stable photodiode current using electronics that are compatible with any...
Laser components

WTC32ND Temperature Controller

The WTC32ND Temperature Controller drives up to 2.2A to Thermoelectrics or Resistive Heaters, with ultrastable PI control and 0.0009°C temperature stability. It is compatible ...
QCL LAB Series Quantum Cascade Laser Driver
Laser components

QCL LAB Series Quantum Cascade Laser Driver

These low noise touchscreen instruments have an average current noise density of 1-4 nA / √Hz. The high modulation bandwidth and fast rise-time maintains modulation waveform integrity...
TC LAB Series Temperature Control Instrument
Laser components

TC LAB Series Temperature Control Instrument

The advanced and reliable circuitry of the TC LAB Series instruments achieves better than 0.0009°C temperature stability. The IntelliTuneTM touchscreen instruments are particularly...

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