BAE Systems

Reston, VA 20190


About BAE Systems


11487 Sunset Hills Rd
Reston, VA 20190
United States

More Info on BAE Systems

Develops and produces an array of space-mission solutions from radiation hardened integrated circuits, to single-board radiation hardened computers, to complete space payloads.


U.S. Army mechanized cavalry are escorted by observer controllers after completing field testing of the Armored Multi-Purpose Vehicle (AMPV).

Army asks BAE Systems to build new armored combat vehicles and vetronics for periodic technology upgrades

The AMPV is to replace the Army’s Vietnam-era M113 family of combat vehicles, and will back-up the BAE Systems M2A3 Bradley Fighting Vehicle.
The BQM-34S's large payload capacity make it useful for fleet training and weapon system research, development, test, and evaluation

Navy asks BAE Systems to integrate electronic warfare (EW) towed decoy aboard subsonic aerial target drone

The subsonic BQM-34S Firebee aerial target is recoverable, remote-controlled, and can fly as fast as 0.9 Mach and altitudes from 10 to 45,000 feet.
Soldiers operate an M2A4 Bradley Fighting Vehicle during an exercise last year at Fort Stewart, Ga., which required them to maneuver vehicles and fire live rounds.

BAE to build Bradley armored combat vehicles with battlefield networking vetronics in $656.2 million deal

The Bradley is a totally digital, full-tracked, medium armored vehicle that provides cross-country mobility, mounted firepower, and communications.
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Extreme-temperature pressure sensors can withstand the heat of jet engines

BAE Systems to design extreme-temperature pressure sensor for hypersonic aircraft and inside jet engines

BAE Systems will design and build a new pressure sensor module -- consisting of an integrated transducer and signal-conditioning microelectronics.

Software design and development tools for radiation-hardened embedded computing introduced by BAE Systems

The RAD510 embedded computing board offers three times the performance capability of its predecessor, supporting critical space missions.

Navy asks BAE Systems to continue building open-systems tactical networking for shipboard reconnaissance

NTCDL provides a real-time exchange of voice, data, imagery, and full-motion video from aircraft, surface warships, submarines, and warfighters on land.

BAE Systems to provide Army with armored combat vehicles and vetronics based on open-systems standards

AMPV is replacing the Army’s M113 family of combat vehicles, and also will back-up the BAE Systems M2A3 Bradley Fighting Vehicle on the battlefield.

Navy taps BAE Systems for communications gear to help submarines keep in touch with uncrewed aircraft

The MMM non-rotating omni-directional communications and direction-finding antenna is for Virginia-class submarines with minimal design changes.

BAE Systems to redesign identification friend or foe (IFF) digital transponder to stave-off obsolescence

The BAE Systems common transponder (CXP) family is the Navy's and Army's standard digital transponder for all new aircraft and aircraft upgrades.

Army orders M109A7 self-propelled artillery cannons with digital backbone vetronics in $575.3 million deal

These upgrades will help the M109A7 keep pace with the Army's fast-moving armored brigade combat team (ABCT) alongside the M1 Abrams main battle tank.

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Additional content from BAE Systems


Army wants to develop hypervelocity artillery shells for air defense against manned and unmanned aircraft

HVP prototypes should fire from rifled and smooth-bore 155-millimeter cannons, and interface with off-board sensors to intercept the incoming threat.

Navy asks BAE Systems to build circular shipboard antennas for radar and identification-friend-or-foe (IFF)

OE-120B antenna offers instantaneous multiple-target identification against today’s sophisticated air threats. It accommodates all standard IFF modes.

BAE Systems to build identification-friend-or-foe (IFF) systems for air defense on land and surface warships

Modular digital architecture accommodates customized configurations for air defense, weapon systems, air traffic control, and range instrumentation.
Trusted Computing

BAE Systems takes-on trusted computing research to help safeguard military avionics from cyber attack

REFLECT will explore cyber security, open system architectures, novel avionics, and sensor technologies that focus on electric warfare (EW) avionics.

Army taps BAE Systems for additional M109A7 artillery armored combat vehicles, vetronics, and power systems

The goal of these upgrades is to enable the M109A7 keep pace with the Army's fast-moving M1 Abrams main battle tank and Bradley Fighting Vehicle.

Boeing and BAE Systems to provide electronic warfare (EW) avionics for F-15 aircrew situational awareness

The F-15 EPAWSS replaces an analog federated avionics system with a next-generation, digital, integrated EW suite to counter modern EW threats.

BAE Systems to develop computer-aided battle planning to find opportunities and weaknesses at machine speed

SCEPTER to develop computers for machine-generated campaign-scale planning, and produce strategies able to compete in quality with those of humans.

Army turns to BAE Systems for software-defined avionics radios for helicopters and fixed-wing aircraft

These radios support joint service interoperable voice and data standards for line-of-sight and beyond-line-of-sight VHF and UHF radio communications.

BAE Systems to build electronic warfare (EW) pod to help defend P-8A aircraft from radar-guided missiles

The Advanced Survivability Pod is for high-value airborne assets such as the P-8A; the C-130 and C-17 cargo jets; and KC-135 and KC-46 aerial tankers.

BAE to build six Marine Corps amphibious armored combat vehicles and vetronics in $25.7 million order

ACVs are wheeled armored combat vehicles able to move Marine infantry warfighters from ships offshore to fight their way onto invasion beaches.

BAE Systems to build networked AMPV armored combat vehicles and vetronics for mobile battlefield command

The AMPV, which is to replace the Army’s Vietnam-era M113, and also will back-up the BAE Systems M2A3 Bradley Fighting Vehicle on the battlefield.

BAE Systems to build 34 amphibious armored combat vehicles and vetronics for Marines on attack beaches

The ACV wheeled combat vehicles are designed to move Marine infantry warfighters from ships offshore to fight their way onto invasion beaches.

Boeing, BAE Systems to build airborne electronic warfare (EW) to help F-15 operate against modern EW threats

EPAWSS replaces analog federated avionics with next-generation digital EW that enables the F-15 to operate in the presence of modern EW threats.

BAE Systems to upgrade Army Bradley armored combat vehicles with vetronics and smart power management

M2 Bradley infantry fighting vehicle is for reconnaissance and to transport a squad of infantry, and protects warfighters inside from small arms fire.

BAE Systems eyes gallium nitride (GaN) microelectronics and high electron mobility transistor (HEMT) chips

New efficiencies will help BAE Systems meet demand for military systems, satellite communications (SATCOM), and test-and-measurement equipment.

BAE Systems to redesign Navy VME-based AN/UPX-50(C) transponder interrogator to stave-off obsolescence

The AN/UPX-50(C) digital identification-friend-or-foe (IFF) interrogator is the Navy's upgraded Mode 5 land level 2 and Mode S interrogator.

BAE Systems and Qorvo to help cool GaN power amplifiers for electronic warfare (EW) and radar applications

BAE Systems and Qorvo join Raytheon and Northrop Grumman in attempts to reduce thermal resistance in GaN devices while maintaining channel current.

Army asks BAE Systems to provide additional M109A7 self-propelled artillery, vetronics, and networking

M109A7 is the primary indirect fire support system for Army armored brigade combat teams, and reduces maintenance by replacing obsolete components.

BAE Systems to build another 40 amphibious armored combat vehicles and vetronics for ship-to-shore assault

ACVs are wheeled armored combat vehicles able to move Marine infantry warfighters from ships offshore to fight their way onto invasion beaches.
Lrasm 6 Nov 2023

Lockheed Martin to build 61 more AGM-158C Long-Range Anti-Ship Missiles to attack high-priority targets

The LRASM blends artificial intelligence (AI), jam-resistant GPS and inertial navigation sensors (INS), and electro-optical imaging infrared seeker.
Bae Mpm 27 Sept 2023

BAE Systems to provide secure satellite navigation and positioning for Army infantry and combat vehicles

The BAE Systems MPE-M receiver delivers geolocation, precise positioning, security, and anti-jamming capabilities for space-constrained applications.
Ampv 25 Sept 2023

Army asks BAE Systems for additional Armored Multi-Purpose Vehicle (AMPV) systems and networked vetronics

The AMPV is to replace the Army’s M113 combat vehicles, and also will back-up the BAE Systems M2A3 Bradley Fighting Vehicle on the battlefield.
Japan Super Interceptor 11 Sept 2023

Boeing to integrate BAE Systems electronic warfare (EW) avionics aboard upgraded Japan F-15 jet fighter

Japan Super Interceptor (JSI) helps Japan upgrade F-15 combat aircraft to fight effectively alongside Japan's fleet of F-35 joint strike fighters.
Oe 120 Antenna 11 July 2023

Navy asks BAE Systems to build circular shipboard antennas for radar, IFF, and air traffic control systems

OE-120 is an electronically steerable antenna that shipboard operators can redirect within 50 microseconds to interrogate any target on the horizon.
M109 A7 10 May 2023

Army asks BAE Systems to build additional modern field artillery with digital vetronics in $88 million deal

The M109A7 program enhances the reliability, maintainability, performance, responsiveness, and lethality of the M109A6 self-propelled howitzer.
F 35 4 March 2023

BAE Systems to provide electronic warfare (EW) radar and missile countermeasures avionics for F-35 jets

The system provides countermeasures, jamming options, and broadband protection to help the F-35 reach well-defended targets and suppress enemy radars.
Marine Acv 28 March 2023

Marines ask BAE Systems to build 44 amphibious armored combat vehicles with modern sensors and vetronics

The ACV is a wheeled armored combat vehicle able to move Marine infantry warfighters from ships offshore to fight their way onto invasion beaches.
Ampv 7 March 2023

Army asks BAE Systems to ramp-up production of AMPV armored combat vehicle program with networked vetronics

AMPV, which is to replace the Army’s Vietnam-era M113 family of combat vehicles, also will back-up the BAE Systems M2A3 Bradley Fighting Vehicle.
An Apx 111 Iff Transponder 20 Feb 2023

BAE Systems to upgrade and maintain AN/APX-111 interrogator transponder avionics on Navy jet fighter-bombers

An IFF transponder enables air traffic controllers to identify aircraft as friendly, and to determine their bearing and range from the interrogator.
Artillery 16 Feb 2023

BAE Systems continues building M109A7 self-propelled artillery systems and vetronics in $466.4 million deal

The M109A7 is the newest M109 version, and uses the existing main armament and cab structure of a Paladin M109A6 self-propelled artillery system.
Acv 23 Jan 2023

Marine Corps chooses BAE Systems to build 30 more ACV armored combat vehicles, vetronics, and sensors

The ACV wheeled armored vehicle can move as many as 13 Marine infantry warfighters from ships offshore to fight their way onto invasion beaches.
Iff Transponders 10 Jan 2023

BAE Systems to provide identification friend or foe (IFF) avionics transponders for U.S. and allied aircraft

These avionics transponders are part of the BAE Systems common transponder (CXP) family that is the Navy's and Army's standard transponders.
FADEC Alliance
Cfm Rise
Commercial Aerospace

FADEC Alliance to provide more electric technologies and components for sustainable aircraft engine demonstration program

The demonstrator program is focused on advanced technologies like open fan architecture, hybrid electric capability, electrified engine accessories, and hydrogen propulsion.
Battle Planning 12 Oct 2022

BAE Systems to tackle computer-generated battle planning that sets up military engagements at machine speed

The SCEPTER project is asking BAE Systems to produce machine-generated strategies that can compete with humans in the planning of real warfare.
Epawss 13 Sept 2022

Air Force starts installing EPAWSS advanced electronic warfare (EW) avionics aboard F-15E combat aircraft

EPAWSS replaces analog system with a digital EW suite that enables the F-15 to operate among modern threats environment with dense RF backgrounds.
Taiwan F 16 19 Aug 2022

BAE Systems to upgrade Taiwan F-16 flight-control computer avionics from hybrid to digital architecture

The avionics upgrade is necessary to include digital capability that will enable the F-16 computers to interact with other aircraft avionics subsystems.
Acv 17 Aug 2022

Marines ask BAE Systems to build Amphibious Combat Vehicles (ACVs), vetronics, and sensors for field tests

The ACV is a wheeled armored combat vehicle able to move Marine infantry from ships offshore to fight their way onto invasion beaches.
M88 14 July 2022

BAE Systems to build additional armored recovery vehicles and vetronics to recover armored combat vehicles

The latest version of the M88 is the M88A2 HERCULES. Its primary role is to repair or replace damaged parts in fighting vehicles while under fire.
Lrasm Seekers 15 June 2022

Lockheed Martin picks BAE Systems for RF and microwave missile seekers and sensors for LRASM targeting

The LRASM seeker has long-range sensors and targeting that help the stealthy missile find and engage protected enemy ships amid jamming and spoofing.
Photo 142599429 Stefan Dinse
Photo 142599429  Stefan Dinse

Webinar to cover embedded computing challenges for electronic warfare 24 May

Embedded computing sensor and signal processing goes hand-in-hand with EW systems, as embedded systems designers help EW systems integrators make sense of enemy electronic signals...
Bae Systems 6 May 2022

BAE Systems opens engineering and production center to design electronic warfre (EW) for military pilots

Facility in Manchester, N.H., is critical to developing next-generation electromagnetic warfare systems and accelerating the delivery of capabilities.
GE Aviation and BAE Systems' technology will store energy and propel a SAAB 340-B similar to the aircraft pictured.

GE partners wtih BAE Systems on energy management for hybrid flight demonstrator program

For this demonstration program, BAE Systems will provide the battery and related cabling used to store electricity and drive the motor/generator GE Aviation is building, controlled...
Darpa T Music 14 April 2022

BAE Systems eyes developing RF analog and digital integrated circuit for wideband information processing

T-MUSIC technology could enable wide spectral coverage, high resolution, large dynamic range, and high information processing bandwidth.
Oe 120 B Antenna 31 March 2022

Navy chooses circular antenna array from BAE Systems for shipboard identification-friend-or-foe (IFF) system

Antennas are for the AN/UPX-29 shipboard interrogator, which is a centralized IFF system that identifies friendly ships and aircraft in crowded areas.
Bae Storm 30 March 2022

Software-based electronic warfare (EW) that capitalizes on trusted hardware introduced by BAE Systems

Storm EW modules offer a scalable and adaptable EW solution that permits third-party software and programming that also is exportable and affordable.
Bae Rad Hard 24 Jan 2022

BAE Systems to design radiation-hardened microelectronics

Goal is to expand onshore access to state-of-the-art microelectronics technology for the United States government and aerospace community.
Iff Transponders 8 Dec 2021

BAE Systems to build 283 aircraft IFF transponders

IFF transponders transmit coded messages that identify aircraft as friendly and determines their range from ground- or air-based interrogators.
Light Tank 14 Oct 2021

The U.S. Army soon could have a new light tank

The Mobile Protected Firepower program winner could provide the U.S. Army with a next-generation lightweight, air-mobile armored combat vehicle.
Omfv 4 Aug 2021

Army chooses five companies to design future armored combat vehicles with vetronics and machine autonomy

The OMFV is part of a future family of Army combat vehicles to add new capabilities to Army units and replace existing platforms that are getting old.
Marine Acv 11 Feb 2020

BAE to build 36 ACV armored combat vehicles and vetronics

ACVs can operate through enemy direct fire, indirect fire, and land mines with low-profile visual and infrared signatures and modular protection.
F 35 Ew 29 Jan 2020

BAE Systems to provide RF countermeasures for F-35 aircraft

BAE Systems designs and builds the AN/ASQ-239 EW avionics to provide the F-35 with 360-degree situational awareness and end-to-end capabilities.
Bae Countermeasures 20 Jan 2021

BAE wins Navy contract for P-8A electronic countermeasure

BAE Systems will design, build, integrate and ship the system in around five months followed by two months of flight testing on the Poseidon.
Iff Transponders 17 Dec 2020

BAE to provide IFF transponders for Navy and Army avionics

AN/APX-117A(V), AN/APX-118A(V), and AN/APX-123A(V) avionics subsystems are part of the BAE Systems common transponder (CXP) family for the Navy Army.
F 15 Ex 16 Dec 2020

Boeing goes into production on F-15 EPAWSS EW avionics

EPAWSS offers integrated radar warning, geo-location, situational awareness, and self-protection to detect and defeat enemy aircraft and missiles.
Acv Buy 14 Dec 2020

BAE Systems to build 36 amphibious armored combat vehicles

The ACV is a wheeled armored combat vehicle able to move Marine infantry warfighters from ships offshore to fight their way onto invasion beaches.
Lrasm 9 Dec 2020

Sensor fusion missile seekers for LRASM anti-ship munition

The seeker uses long-range sensors to enable the stealthy missile to attack protected enemy ships amid attempts to jam or spoof the munition.
Bae 1 Dec 2020

High-def thermal camera core sensor offered by BAE Systems

The Athena 1920 features a 1920-by-1200-pixel vanadium oxide (VOx) uncooled microbolometer pixel array using 12-micron pixel technology.
Typhoons 15 Sept 2020

Britain eyes Typhoon radar primed for electronic warfare

British plan to equip their 40-strong fleet of Typhoon jets with the new radar but will decide later whether to fit-out the earlier Typhoon aircraft.
Military Gps 17 Aug 2020

BAE Systems buys Raytheon’s military GPS business

The acquisition follows the merger of defense contracting giants United Technologies Corp. and Raytheon into Raytheon Technologies Corp. in June.
Trust Machine Learning 10 Aug 2020

Could this software help users trust machine learning?

The MindfuL software is part of a $5 million contract from DARPA, in which BAE Systems will simulate and deliver in prototype hardware later this year.
Helicopter Missile Warning 6 Aug 2020

BAE Systems to build next-generation Army missile warning

The LIMWS is designed to be compatible in size, weight, and power consumption with current Army aircraft, with compatibility in pilot interfaces.
F 35 Ew 6 April 2020

BAE Systems to build F-35 electronic warfare (EW) avionics

The AN/ASQ-239 extends detection ranges; gives the F-35 pilot evasion, engagement, countermeasure, and jamming options; and provides radar protection.
Photo (above): The Navy plans to upgrade all Arleigh Burke-class (DDG-51) destroyers, shown above, with new Aegis combat system, with Flight IIA ships getting a variant of the SPY-6(v) air and missile defense radar.

Shipboard electronics steams into the 21st century

U.S. Navy is on track for increases in surface ship and submarine building, unmanned vehicles development, shipboard weapons, sensors, and digital signal processing.