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Provided by Avantier
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Avantier Inc

Is an unparalleled leader in providing custom optical systems solutions. We offer advanced precision custom optical design, optical engineering, optical lens assembly, rapid optical...

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Courtesy of Avantier Inc
Biophotonic Sensors
Sensors - Ladar/lidar

Biophotonic Sensors: Advances and Applications

Biophotonic Sensors Biophotonic sensors and systems are optical devices that can provide point-of-care diagnostics for medical practitioners and health researchers. They enable...
Sensors - Ladar/lidar

Case Study – LiDAR Lens Design

Revolutionizing LiDAR Lens Design for Autonomous Driving with Avantier At Avantier, we take pride in our ability to meet the unique optical needs of our customers. Our commitment...
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Sensors - Ladar/lidar

LiDAR in Autonomous Vehicles

Today’s advanced driver assistance systems take advantage of AI-spiked cameras and radar or sonar systems, but most manufacturers have been waiting for advances in machine vision...

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